Na Steamu 50 nových her díky Greenlightu
Novinka Na Steamu 50 nových her díky Greenlightu

Na Steamu 50 nových her díky Greenlightu

Michal Burian

Michal Burian


Depression Quest, Also Tangiers, The 7th Guest 3 nebo Treasure Adventure World.


Přes program Steam Greenlight prošlo dalších 50 her, které se začnou postupně prodávat v oblíbeném distribučním systému od Valve, včetně free-to-play titulu Depression Quest.

  • AIDA64 Extreme
  • Anarchy Arcade
  • Astral Terra
  • Astrobase Command
  • Black Fire
  • Bliss
  • Breach & Clear
  • Bullet Bros
  • Crying is not Enough
  • Dark Horizons: Mechanized Assault Vehicle
  • Depression Quest
  • Dollhouse: Room 1313
  • Earth: Year 2066
  • Ethan: Meteor Hunter
  • EVGA Precision X
  • Farm for your Life
  • FPS Creator Reloaded
  • From The Depths
  • Hand of Fate
  • Helicopter Simulator: Search and Rescue
  • Highland Wars
  • Interplanetary
  • Kill Them All
  • Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan
  • Lambda Wars
  • Last Dream
  • Lili
  • Manos: The Hands of Fate
  • Marvin's Mittens
  • nKPro Racing
  • One Way Heroics
  • Paranormal State: Poison Spring
  • Photo Blend 3D
  • Procyon
  • Reallusion CrazyTalk7
  • Shadowgate
  • Spark Rising
  • Spate
  • Steam Squad
  • Subject 9
  • Tangiers
  • The 7th Guest 3: The Collector
  • The Memory of Eldurîm
  • The Note
  • The Repopulation
  • The Town Of Light
  • Treasure Adventure World
  • Windforge
  • X-Plane 10
  • XAM


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