Metal Gear Solid HD odhaluje achievementy
Metal Gear Solid Novinka Metal Gear Solid HD odhaluje achievementy

Metal Gear Solid HD odhaluje achievementy

Michal Maliarov

Michal Maliarov


Ve sbírce MGS HD nás čekají tři legendární tituly a ven se nyní dostávají achievementy, které budeme v jejich útrobách hledat.


Nedávno bylo potvrzeno, že se Metal Gear Solid HD Collection objeví na PS3 a Xboxu360 v únoru příštího roku, tedy tři měsíce po plánovaném vydání v Japonsku. Sbírka nabídne vylepšené tituly MGS 2: Sons of Liberty, MGS 3: Subsistance a MGS: Peace Walker.

Nyní se můžeme podívat na sbírku achievementů pro Xbox360 verzi her. Nezapomínejte, že v seznamu můžete nalézt i příležitostní spoilery. To v případě, že jste některý z dílů nehráli.

  • Down in Smoke - 10 Disorient an enemy with a cloud of smoke from a fire extinguisher
  • Sexting - 10 Send Otacon a picture of the marine with no pants
  • I Think You Need a Hug, E - 10 Find Emma Emmerich
  • Don't Taze Me, Bro - 10 Tranquilize 100 enemies
  • Nothing Personal - 10 Break the neck of 30 enemies
  • Rent Money - 10 Beat 30 enemies unconscious
  • Piece of Cake - 10 Complete a VR or Alternative mission
  • Johnny on the Spot - 10 Hear Johnny's bowel noises in two locations
  • Kissing Booth - 10 Kiss a poster in a locker
  • Snake Beater - 10 Get caught by Otacon stimulating yourself
  • Spaghetti Cinema - 10 Meet Revolver
  • Steel Grip - 10 Attain grip level 3
  • Lights Out - 15 Defeat Olga Gurlukovich
  • Party's Over - 15 Defeat Fatman
  • No-Fly Zone - 15 Destroy the AV-88 Harrier II
  • No Ray, José - 15 Defeat Metal Gear RAY
  • Another Snake Bites the Dust - 15 Defeat Solidus Snake
  • Vampire Slayer - 15 Defeat Vamp
  • Who Ya Gonna Call? - 20 Take a clear photograph of the ghost image in Hold No. 2
  • No Boss of Mine - 30 Complete Boss Survival
  • Tell Me a Tale - 30 Complete all Snake Tales
  • Great Dane - 80 Collect all dog tags
  • A Cut Above - 50 Beat the Tanker and Plant chapters on any difficulty
  • Virtually Impossible - 80 Complete all VR and Alternative missions
  • Young Gun - 10 Submit Ocelot
  • Pain Relief - 10 Defeat The Pain
  • If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It - 10 Defeat The Fear
  • The End - 10 Defeat The End
  • Houston, We HAD a Problem - 10 Defeat The Fury
  • River of Pain - 10 Defeat The Sorrow
  • Shagadelic - 10 Defeat Shagohod
  • Grounded - 10 Defeat Volgin in a fist fight
  • The Patriot - 10 Defeat The Boss
  • Mama Said - 10 CQC Slam a guard and knock him out
  • Like He Just Doesn't Care - 10 CQC Hold up an enemy
  • Close Shave - 10 CQC Slit an enemy's throat
  • Snake Eyes - 10 See all of the first-person views that are not indicated by the RB button icon
  • Ralph Called - 10 Make Snake throw up
  • Can I Keep It? - 10 Capture any animal alive
  • Snake Eater - 10 Eat a snake of any type
  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find - 10 Achieve a camouflage index of 100%
  • Problem Solved, Series Over - 10 Create the Ocelot Time Paradox
  • Believe It or Not - 20 Catch a Tsuchinoko (mythical serpent)
  • Fashionista - 20 Find every type of camouflage
  • Only Skin Deep - 20 Find every type of face paint
  • The Early End - 20 Kill The End before the boss battle
  • King of the Jungle - 80 Obtain title of MARKHOR
  • It Ain't Easy Being Green - 80 Find all 64 Kerotans
  • Like a Boss - 50 Finish the game on any difficulty
  • PEACE WALKER - 30 Finish game without killing anyone

MGS: Peace Walker:

  • Vic Boss - 50 Clear every achievement
  • MAIN OPS All Rank S - 30 Clear all MAIN OPS missions at Rank S
  • EXTRA OPS All Cleared - 20 Clear all EXTRA OPS missions.
  • EXTRA OPS All Rank A - 30 Clear all EXTRA OPS missions at Rank A or higher.
  • EXTRA OPS All Rank S - 50 Clear all EXTRA OPS missions at Rank S.
  • Big Boss - 50 Clear all MAIN OPS and EXTRA OPS missions at Rank S.
  • Fulton Recovery Veteran - 10 Reach 300 or more Fulton recoveries.
  • Hold-Up Artist - 10 Reach at least 100 hold-ups.
  • Lethal Enforcer - 10 Reach at least 100 kills.
  • Stun Specialist - 10 Reach at least 100 stun attacks.
  • Costume Collector - 30 Obtain every costume.
  • Special Staff Recruiter - 20 Assemble all special staff members.
  • Hideo Kojima - 10 Recruit Hideo Kojima.
  • Mech Catcher - 10 Capture a mech.
  • Paz's Thoughts - 20 Read all of Paz's diary.
  • Huey's Thoughts - 10 Read Huey's love letter.
  • Strangelove's Thoughts - 10 Read all of Strangelove's memoirs.
  • Monster Hunter - 20 Clear all hunting quests.
  • CQC Six Shot - 20 Perform CQC six times in a row.
  • Leap of Faith - 10 Perform a Leap of Faith and obtain the Assassin's Straw Box.
  • I feel... safe - 10 Put on a cardboard box.
  • Indirect Attack - 10 Attack enemy soldiers by blowing up an oil drum or truck (single player only).
  • OUTER OPS Sortie - 10 Carry out a mission in OUTER OPS.
  • Elite Forces - 30 Clear "Capture the Enemy Base 06" in OUTER OPS using only soldiers.
  • Trader - 10 Carry out a trade.
  • Deliverer - 20 Exchange items back and forth with another player using Delivery.
  • Paz Mania - 20 Obtain Rank S on a date with Paz.
  • Kaz Mania - 20 Obtain Rank S on a date with Kaz.
  • That looks tasty! - 10 Nicely cook a ration.
  • VERSUS OPS All Rules - 10 Play using all of the rules in VERSUS OPS.
  • Divine Wind - 20 Collect a soldier using a divine wind.
  • 19 Secret Achievements


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